The Omega Theory
Ryan "The Prophet" Hommy

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Censorship reflects societies lack of confidence in its self.


Here Is Me and Griff at the Rabbit Hill Staff Party (Im On The Left)
Check Griff Out At *Griff83*

Hello Glorious Patrons!!!
Im Ryan Hommy, Guitarist/singer/all around sexy guy for The Omega Theory.  When you think of "The Omega Theory" what do you think about?  Some think about time travel and the universe its self,  others may think of Armaggedon, and ancient prophecies.  Or perhaps you have something compleatly different.
My Omega Theory is all about the End of time.  "Omega" the last letter in the greek alphabet, means the end as in "The Alpha and The Omega" - the begining and the end.  Alpha being the first letter in the alphabet.  Now in dont believe in Organized religion or "God" persay.  But that doesnt mean I don't believe the ancient prophecies.  Such as the one at the bottom of this page,  The cobwebs that are described, to me, mean the trails of rockets and missiles.  ICBM's perhaps or Tactical Nukes.  Back and forth all humanity bringing its own Apocolypse.  If you are interested in this theory, just type in "Omega" in any seach engine. eg. Send me your thoughts in the guest book.
"Near the day of The Omega, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky"
-pre-Colombian Hopi prophecies    



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