The Omega Theory

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The Omega Theory is physicist Frank J. Tipler’s name for his mathematical explanation of the existence of God and the afterlife. In his book "The Physics of Immortality," Tipler argues that scientific progress and the evolution of human and computer intelligence are bound to grow exponentially, leading to the development of one omnipotent artificial intelligence "God" whose computing speed outpaces the universe’s collapse, thus providing infinite "virtual time" which could be used to resurrect anyone who ever lived by simulating them in a Matrix-esque virtual reality.

What a mad scientist has to do with an up-and-coming rock band from Edmonton, Alberta might not be immediately evident, but The Omega Theory’s name indicates that they were somehow influenced by Tipler’s controversial melding of mathematics and theology. Their music, meanwhile, evokes Hendrix more so than Tipler, forged as it is out of a complicated amalgamation of different sounds: punk, prog rock, metal, funk and blues all flavour the music of The Omega Theory, which is simultaneously unrepentantly derivative and completely original. This eclecticism likely owes itself to the band’s meticulous evolution. Guitarists Ryan Hommy and Matthew Misenas are childhood friends in the suburban town of Devon, Alberta who wrote music and honed their compositional abilities for many years before meeting drummer Shaun Lorienz at a liquor store. After spending more time breaking in their new drummer, the group was completed with the addition of bassist Jon Butler.

In their short time on the Edmonton scene, The Omega Theory has continually wowed audiences with their creativity, energy and talent. Rather than confining themselves to one niche or genre of music, The Omega Theory have been able to lessen the distance between the disparate music forms that have influenced them, creating an infectious, powerful, dynamic breed of rock music that is as revolutionary and experimental as it is hauntingly familiar. Whether screaming or whispering, The Omega Theory always speak with an intensity and sincerity that belies the raw energy of their music. Taking into account what these young men have accomplished in their very short time together, one can only begin to speculate what creative heights the group will inevitably reach in the very near future, whatever form that future takes.

Check out the songs on this website.
